AL-02: Barry Moore for Congress

We’re proud to announce our support for Barry Moore (R-AL), candidate for U.S. House in Alabama’s 2nd District. He was one of the two Republican candidates to qualify for the March 31st run-off election, which is now in less than three weeks.

Barry Moore is a businessman, veteran, and former Alabama legislator. He’s the only proven conservative candidate in this race who will join the House Freedom Caucus and truly fight for our principles and values in Washington.

Please join us in supporting Barry Moore for Congress by making an urgent contribution to his grassroots campaign.

Barry Moore was massively outspent in the initial primary phase of this campaign, but he shocked the political establishment in Alabama by working hard and turning out his supporters.

He doesn’t need to out-raise his establishment opponent to win this run-off election, but he does need enough money to get his message out and get his supporters to vote on Election Day.

This race is very important in terms of sending the right kind of Republicans to Congress. It’s taking place in Alabama, but it has implications for all Americans.

In 2015, Barry Moore was the first elected official in the country to endorse Donald Trump for President and is someone we can count on to defend the principles of freedom that make America great.

Please help us send another conservative fighter to Washington by donating to Barry Moore’s campaign.

The House Freedom Fund will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your donation directly to the Moore for Congress campaign.

Thank you for supporting the House Freedom Caucus and for doing so much to help us secure America’s future.

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