
Two years into Joe Biden’s presidency, Americans’ incomes are still falling. With a unified Democrat government pumping trillions of new, borrowed dollars into the economy, full-time workers saw their wages decrease by 4% in 2021.

Meanwhile, inflation rose to 8.3% in August. And, of course, in Joe Biden’s America, what wage gains did occur were all enjoyed by the woke elite.

This is not Joe Biden’s problem; it’s Joe Biden’s policy. The White House even threw a party to celebrate the report!

This may be shocking. But it’s no longer surprising. This is the economy Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi want.

Help us end the destruction. Support the House Freedom Caucus with an urgent donation to the House Freedom Fund.

The liberals in Washington are the ones who shut down our energy industry. They’re the ones who transferred a trillion dollars in student loan debt from professors and lawyers onto the backs of working families. They’re the ones blocking new job-creating construction projects.

They don’t care about the inflation, shortages, or even the recession they caused. They only care about the left-wing millionaires rich enough to afford it!

Joe Biden can’t be booted out of office until 2024, but TRUE conservatives can defund his reckless policies next year.

This is our time to make a difference, and supporting the House Freedom Caucus is the best way to do it!

The House Freedom Caucus is made up of the strongest, most out-spoken conservatives in Congress. They meet regularly to formulate the best strategies to fight the woke Left and hold each other accountable.

The Freedom Caucus is so effective that they are shunned by liberal Democrats and establishment Republicans alike. But they are our heroes. They are our voice in Swamp!

Take action and send true conservative fighters to Washington!

Congress is up for grabs, and Republicans are predicted to win back control from the Democrats. But the real question is what kind of Republicans will have that control.

Will it be another timid, appeasing establishment Republican majority? Or will it be a new, conservative majority ready to put America First and take the fight to the woke elites?

What’s the difference? It’s very simple.

Conservatives want the American people to be free from big business, big government, forever wars, and the liberal media. Establishment Republicans only want to be free of conservatives.

Help us defeat the Left and the Establishment!

The GOP establishment will pour millions of corporate cash into electing the squishiest, gooiest, milquetoast RINOs they can find, and freeze out principled, fighting conservatives.

That’s why HFF was founded – to be the muscle for the true conservative patriots America needs.

I’m writing to ask for your support. This election is critical. We have to fight to fill as many seats with conservatives as possible. We have to turn the red wave into a red, white, and blue tsunami to take our country back from the anti-America woke elites running Joe Biden’s Washington.

Please donate today.

You can donate directly to multiple candidates all in one online transaction. HFF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your contributions to their campaigns.

Give as generously as you can. The future of our Constitution, our freedom, and our nation are at stake.

Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to fight for conservative leadership in Washington.

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