House Passes Bill to Protect Girls’ Sports

Last week, the House of Representatives passed one of the most important bills of the 118th Congress. The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 would require schools that receive federal funds to guarantee that only biological females play on girls’ and women’s sports teams.

It’s shocking that such a bill should even be necessary. The entire point of separate athletic competitions for males and females is to ensure equal opportunity for girls.

But incredibly, Democrats and the media tried to pretend that the bill is controversial!

The final vote on the House floor was 219-203! More than 200 Democrats voted to use taxpayer dollars to steal our daughters and sisters’ playing time, scholarship opportunities, and fundamental fairness.

Conservatives around the country should take two lessons from this vote.

  • First, the Democrats are an extremist, anti-woman, anti-equality party. They literally want men to be able to dominate women, even in contact sports, and pretend anyone who disagrees is a bigot.

  • Second, we are finally seeing a Republican Party in Congress that is willing to fight. GOP politicians have always talked the talk on social issues. They used to love yelling about the Left’s culture war against American families. But for decades, they did nothing about it.

Not anymore.

Principled conservatives are no longer just back-benchers throwing spitballs at Establishment bills as they sail through Congress. Jim Jordan is chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Chip Roy sits on the powerful Rules Committee.

And the results speak for themselves. House Republicans are keeping many of the promises they made to voters and conservatives. Girls sports. Crime. Border security. Investigations. IRS reform. The Parents Bill of Rights.

Not only are these bills conservative. They are passing. Republicans are finally learning how to win — by following conservatives’ lead!

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