Justice for Hunter Biden – House Freedom Fund

The story of Hunter Biden is comically corrupt. He broke gun laws, drug laws, and tax laws and has operated for years as an unlicensed foreign agent. And to top it off, the plea bargain Hunter’s lawyers negotiated with the Justice Department — to cover up the Bidens’ corruption — has now been thrown out because it was corrupt, too!

But one of the most interesting facts about the Hunter Biden scandals is that we would not even know about them without the tireless work of U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, his team at the House Judiciary Committee, and the fighting leaders of the House Freedom Caucus.

U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH)

A year ago, few Republicans in Washington even pretended to care about the Hunter Biden case. They joined the media chorus downplaying his laptop, the scandals, and the crimes. It was only when Chairman Jordan began digging that whistleblowers inside the government came forward with the truth.

Jordan’s hearings, subpoenas, and whistleblower testimony have destroyed the media narrative of Hunter’s innocence. Polling now shows Republicans and Independents overwhelmingly agree that Biden’s Justice Department has been protecting Hunter from prosecution — and large numbers of Democrats believe it, too.

The sweetheart plea deal was supposed to button the scandal up. But thanks to Jim Jordan and his team, the truth is finally getting out …

  • About a possible $10 million bribery scheme between Hunter and Russian businessmen;

  • About IRS and FBI obstruction of the investigations of Hunter’s crimes;

  • About Biden’s possible complicity in his son’s illicit activities.

The Hunter Biden Case may be the scandal of a lifetime. And the media and the Justice Department would have buried the whole thing if it weren’t for a handful of fighting, principled conservatives in Congress standing up for what’s right.

That’s something to remember as the 2024 election cycle starts to heat up. In the coming months, establishment Republicans will try to convince you that you should trust them. We know better.

If we could trust Washington, the House Freedom Caucus and the House Freedom Fund would not exist.

Please donate to HFF and our priority candidates before the end of the month.

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Paid for by House Freedom Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. HouseFreedomFund.com


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