Lauren Boebert Recount

Every vote should be counted, and every vote should count.

In Colorado’s 3rd congressional district, conservative superstar Lauren Boebert is locked in a tight race against liberal Democrat Adam Frisch. With 99% of the votes in, Boebert leads by just over 1,000 votes — 0.4% of all votes cast.

Races this close always go to recounts, and we all know what can happen when bureaucrats go behind closed doors with the ballots. In this race, it’s all about election integrity now.

Please support the Lauren Boebert Recount Fund!

Recounts aren’t cheap. Rep. Boebert will need money to pay the costs of monitoring the process and enforcing the law, so every legally-cast vote is counted.

Boebert’s opponent will have the bottomless resources of the woke elite to draw on. Conservatives must help her answer, dollar for dollar.

You can help by supporting her recount fund today.

Individuals are allowed to contribute any amount up to $2,900 to this fund, and just like before, HFF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your donation to her campaign.

If we want real election integrity, we must ensure every ballot gets the honest process it deserves.

Lauren Boebert won this race. A true recount will find that. But whether she gets a TRUE recount partly depends on us.

Please support Lauren Boebert and election integrity now.

Your support will pay for the lawyers, monitors, and other resources she will need to finish this fight.

If we work together, we can make the difference between a full, fair review of votes and a shadowy process behind closed doors.

Time is short. Lauren Boebert stands for freedom. Now we have to stand with her. The fight for election integrity is now the fight for a fair recount for Lauren Boebert in Colorado!

Thank you for helping us push so many of our Freedom Caucus candidates on to victory. We are grateful for your generous support.

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