MT-AL: Support Matt Rosendale

We are proud to endorse Matt Rosendale (R-MT) for Congress in Montana’s At-Large District where Congressman Greg Gianforte is retiring to run for Governor.

Matt Rosendale is the State Auditor of Montana, a former state senator, a rancher, and a businessman. He narrowly lost the U.S. Senate race against Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) last year, but conservatives now have another chance to send him to Washington.

Please join us in supporting Matt Rosendale for Congress by making a contribution to his campaign today!

Matt has a proven record of results.

As a state senator, he led the fight against Medicaid expansion, fought to stop pork-barrel projects in the state, and stood up to his own party to protect private property rights from eminent domain.

As state auditor, he has fought against government-regulated health insurance and used his position on the State Land Board to improve access to public lands.

Matt Rosendale is a full-spectrum conservative that we can count on to fight for our principles and values in Congress.

Please help jump-start his campaign.

House Freedom Fund will pay all processing fees so he can spend 100% of your donation on voter contact.

Your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or any amount up to $5,600 will help us add another member to the House Freedom Caucus who will stand with President Trump and fight for less government and more freedom for all Americans.

Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to help secure America’s future.

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