NC-03: Establishment Attacks Greg Murphy

Some in the DC swamp will do and say anything to elect more anti-Trump liberals to Congress.

Take the pro-establishment group Winning for Women, which just launched a six-figure ad buy in North Carolina backing liberal Dr. Joan Perry with negative ads against conservative Dr. Greg Murphy.

Although they say they’re just trying to “elect more women” to Congress, make no mistake that they are spending big to stop Greg Murphy because he is a pro-Trump conservative who doesn’t toe the establishment line.

Help Greg Murphy fight back!

The group went so far as to set aside their own mission statement to justify their endorsement of liberal Joan Perry. They claim their endorsed candidates support economic freedom and national security, but they made an exception for Perry who:

❌ Opposes President Trump’s emergency declaration for border security, and

❌ Recently appeared in campaign commercials to help a pro-Pelosi Democrat win by a razor-thin margin

How does helping Pelosi-backed candidates and opposing the border wall promote economic freedom and national security?

It doesn’t! But as I said, the DC swamp will do or say anything to stop conservatives and thwart the President.

We cannot let the swamp get away with this.

Help Greg Murphy fight back by making a secure online donation to his campaign today.

House Freedom Fund will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your contribution to his campaign. You can also support any of our other priority candidates (including conservative Yvette Herrell, the first candidate HFF endorsed in the 2020 cycle) with one transaction.

The special election primary in North Carolina will be decided on July 9th so there is no time to waste. We need to act right now.

Please help us elect another member to the House Freedom Caucus who will stand up to the liberals in both parties.

Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to help us advance the principles of freedom that make America great.

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