The Elite vs. The Rule of Law – House Freedom Fund

Did you know the FIVE biggest political scandals in America today are actually one story? See if you can spot the common thread:

1. The President of Harvard University has recently been exposed as a fraud. For years, she has stolen other scholars’ work without attribution. And yet, she’s still in office…

2. The Colorado Supreme Court voted 4-3 to disqualify Donald Trump from the state’s presidential ballot in 2024. Legal experts on both sides of the aisle have trashed the decision as a partisan fiasco. The four judges who voted to strike Trump from the ballot were the ones who went to elite, East Coast colleges, including Harvard…

3. The weird, Left-wing campaign against Justice Clarence Thomas continues apace. Woke activists and journalists have called into question Thomas’s integrity, his wife, their finances, and their character — all without any evidence…

4. The Biden Administration continues to defy federal law both on its illegal student-loan “forgiveness” plan and its open borders corruption. In both cases, Biden brags about his criminal endeavors — and in both cases, the corporate media praises him for it…

5. Finally, the president continues to help cover up the shady — and possibly criminal — dealings of his son Hunter Biden with foreign businesses. 

Do you see the connection?

In every instance, the elite is trying to exempt themselves from the rule of law.

At Harvard, in Colorado, in the mainstream media, and in the Biden Administration and family, the woke Left is above the law.

Americans are lucky that conservative committee chairmen in the House of Representatives like Jim Jordan are subpoenaing the left-wing activists at the heart of all these scandals. They are getting to the bottom of the great Marxist conspiracy against the rule of law. 

But let’s be clear: House conservatives need help. And that is exactly what the House Freedom Fund is working hard to do.

We’re working day and night to find, field, and elect the best, toughest, most principled conservatives to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Our candidates understand the fight and — just as important — the enemy. The stakes couldn’t be higher: the Constitution, the rule of law, equal rights, and the very idea of freedom itself.

To make America great again, we must make the House of Representatives conservative again. At the House Freedom Fund, that is our only mission. In 2024, we’ll support fighting, principled candidates in every region of the country. And along with their names, the future of our country will be on your ballots this November.

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Paid for by House Freedom Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


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