Threat to Democracy

President Biden went to Philadelphia to reframe the 2022 election and terrify the American people about the threats to our democracy. But without intending to, he identified himself as the biggest threat.

When an angry old man illegally transfers $1 trillion of rich people’s debt onto working folks’ backs while the economy is ravaged by inflation and allows drugs and criminals to pour across our border, causing a national crime wave… he’s right: our democracy IS under threat! … By Joe Biden!

❌  He’s the one who said half the country was fascist.

❌  He’s the one who abandoned Americans in Afghanistan.

❌  He’s the one who threw soldiers out of the military for not getting a vaccine.

❌  He’s the one who shut down our energy industry and sent gas prices spiking.

❌  He’s the one who appeased China and drug cartels and accused moms and dads who protest school boards of being “domestic terrorists.”

❌  He’s the one pushing the trans agenda on our kids, calling kindergarteners racists, and forcing girls to compete against boys in sports.

The myth of Joe Biden’s moderation has always been a lie. His unhinged rant the other night showed just how ugly and dangerous Biden’s politics have always been.

Help the House Freedom Caucus fight back!

Conservatives winning back the House of Representatives is the bare minimum requirement for stopping Biden’s extremism in its tracks. We need so much more.

We need subpoenas. Hearings. Investigations. Impeachments. And we won’t get that with establishment Republicans running Congress. We need 2022 to send a message to the Left and the elite that the American people have had enough.

This is our country to govern, not theirs to abuse.

November must be more than a victory for the Right; it must be a reckoning for the Left: Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Fauci, Sanders, AOC, Pocahontas, Big Tech, Big Banks, the teachers’ unions, the media, the predatory school boards, and grooming principals. Their run is over.

But it’s up to us to decide how much we can push back in 2023. It’s up to us to show them how ready we are to fight for our country. How ready we are to hold them accountable for their corruption and lies.

House Freedom Fund is fighting every day. With your help, in November, we will make history.

Donate today and help take our country back.

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