TX-21: Chip Roy Under Attack

You will likely hear from hundreds of candidates running for political office in the coming months, but only a handful will decide whether Republicans gain control of Congress.

One of those candidates is Chip Roy (R-TX), the newly elected congressman from the 21st District of Texas who is now a proud member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus.

Chip Roy narrowly won the seat last year and now the Democrats are pulling out all the stops to defeat him.

The Democrats and their liberal allies have already spent money attacking him, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has decided to open their regional headquarters in his backyard, and Wendy Davis, their ultra-liberal, pro-abortion darling, says she may run against him.

What does all this mean?

It means several million dollars will be spent by Nancy Pelosi and her Hollywood friends to defeat Chip Roy.

It’s going to be one of the top battleground districts in the fight for Congress and conservatives can’t sit on their hands.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you today to ask you to make a contribution to Congressman Chip Roy’s campaign.

You may not live in his district or even in his state, but the outcome of his election will impact you and your family just the same.

If Chip Roy loses, Democrats probably keep control of the House and that means more socialist policies that take our freedoms away.

That’s why we need to work together to support the right candidates across the country – candidates who are in tough races and who will keep their promises after they are elected.

Chip Roy is one of those candidates. He’s a rock-solid conservative and he’s being targeted by the radical Left.

Please contribute to Chip Roy’s campaign today.

The House Freedom Fund, which works to elect House Freedom Caucus candidates, will pay all of the processing fees and transfer 100% of your donation directly to his campaign.

This race is very important and I hope you will answer the call.

Thank you for standing strong for freedom and for doing so much to help fight for conservative leadership in Washington.

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