Winning the Speaker’s Race

Congratulations! You might not know it by listening to the mainstream media, but the real winner of the historic race for Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives was… you.Sure, it might have been Freedom Caucus members fighting again and again on the House floor against the entitled elites of the Washington establishment, but this fight was not about them. Nor, frankly, was this fight about Right vs. Left or even Right vs. Righter. It was about Right vs. Wrong.

And for the first time in a long time, we won.

Kevin McCarthy’s election on the 15th ballot only happened after conservatives won (for the first time in years) the tools needed to put the House back to work for us, the American people.

I like to say the conservatives standing strong on the first 14 ballots were not “holdouts” – they were reformers. They fought for and won an agreement on major reforms that create a path to restoring fiscal sanity, accountability, and transparency, including:

  • a Southern Border Security Plan
  • a federal budget that stops any “blank check” debt ceiling increases
  • an end to all federal COVID mandates
  • the establishment of a Select Committee to investigate the weaponization of government agencies against the American people
  • a vote on term limits
  • securing three seats for conservatives on the powerful Rules Committee to help ensure bills cannot be jammed through without debate or amendments
  • 72 hours to read bills
  •  single subject bills
  • and restoring accountability for the Speaker of the House, which was stripped away under Nancy Pelosi

This victory was not for a handful of politicians in Washington but for all Americans and the Constitution.At least for now, the backroom deals, fake deadlines, establishment tricks, and elite lies that have defined Congress for a generation… are over.

Congress is still Congress. The Establishment is still the Establishment. And goodness knows the Swamp is still the Swamp. Their promises only go as far as the Freedom Caucus’ continued willingness to hold them accountable. So, the fight for freedom will continue. But as a result of this week, we will hold higher ground and better tools than we have had for a long time.

And it wouldn’t have happened – it wouldn’t have even been possible – without you.

Thank you for being part of our team and doing so much to help fight for America’s future.

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