WV-02: Stand With Alex Mooney

The most important House elections of 2022 aren’t going to be in November. They are going to be in the Republican primaries next spring and summer. In deep-red districts around the country, the choice we face is not between Republicans and Democrats, but between conservative fighters and establishment politicians.

In West Virginia, the legislature had to redraw its congressional districts because the state lost a seat after the 2020 census. That means two incumbent Republicans will now be running against each other in 2022.

One is David McKinley, a career politician, a Beltway moderate who voted to create Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th witch hunt.

The other is Alex Mooney, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, a stalwart ally of President Donald Trump, and tireless defender of West Virginia values and families.

This is the first incumbent vs. incumbent race of 2022, and House Freedom Fund is proud to endorse our friend, Alex Mooney.

Please join us in supporting Alex Mooney by making a contribution to his grassroots campaign today!

When you donate to candidates through HFF, 100% of your contributions go directly to their campaigns.

Alex is a leader and a fighter on the issues that matter most. He has taken on the Swamp on immigration, the Second Amendment, election integrity, the right to life, and Joe Biden’s woke extremism. He puts parents, kids, and America first.

That’s why he has HFF’s support – and why he deserves yours.

Please join us and support Alex Mooney right now!

West Virginia’s 2nd District is going to have a Republican congressman after the next election. But if it’s just another go-along-to-get-along Republican, NOTHING WILL CHANGE.

Alex Mooney is the clear conservative choice in this race. He has been fighting for you ever since he got to Congress. He is fighting for you today. He will fight for you as long as he serves.

Grassroots conservatives need to fight for him.

As you know, House Freedom Fund’s job is to bring you the best principled, fighting conservative congressional candidates in the country. Alex Mooney is one of them.

Help Alex with a generous contribution today!

Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to support the House Freedom Caucus in their fight for America’s future.

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