Chip Roy Shows Courage

With the weekend quickly approaching, I wanted to highlight an example of how courageous conservatism makes a difference in Washington.

Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) is one of the champions you helped elect last year, and his competitive district has made him one of our “priority” candidates for 2020.

But thankfully the political target on his back hasn’t stopped him from keeping his word to the voters.

Earlier today, after most House members had left town for the long weekend, Nancy Pelosi and her team tried to sneak a $19.1 billion disaster relief package through the House without a roll call vote.

When Chip Roy got wind of Pelosi’s move, he rushed to the House floor and put a stop to it. Supported by other House Freedom Caucus members, Chip’s boldness and quick action stopped billions of tax dollars from being spent without debate or a vote.

Chip’s courage won’t sit well with the leaders of the Washington swamp who just want to spend your money without accountability, but this is exactly why we support conservatives like Chip.

We want to encourage his courage by sharing this news with you.

If you want to support Chip Roy with a contribution, click here.

Thanks again for all you do for the cause.

Wishing your family a blessed Memorial Day as we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

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