Go Woke, Go Broke – House Freedom Fund

One of the best stories of 2023 was the financial reckoning of left-wing grifters across the country.

In the Spring, patriotic beer lovers boycotted Bud Light when the company partnered with a trans influencer who hates the everyday Americans who actually drink the product. By the fall, Budweiser’s profits had fallen by 29 percent!

In the summer, critical race theorist Ibram X. Kendi’s $40 million Center for Anti-Racist Research at Boston University was shut down! Amid mass layoffs, Kendi was accused of “mismanaging funds,” “mistreating his team,” and conducting little actual research.

In the fall, the president of the University of Pennsylvania, testifying before Congress, refused to condemn antisemitic students’ genocidal speech on campus. The school quickly lost a $100 million gift, and the president was forced to resign.

Just recently, Washington, D.C.’s pro basketball and hockey teams announced they are leaving the city for the suburbs, in part because of the rampant crime D.C.’s woke mayor refuses to police and prosecute.

Even Disney took a beating this year. Its lineup of woke cartoons and even a woke superhero movie, The Marvels, bombed so badly at the box office that the company cried, “Uncle!” Disney recently announced their planned woke remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was being totally reshot and pushed to 2025.

In 2023, “Go Woke, Go Broke” went from a political slogan to an economic reality.

In 2024, congressional and grassroots conservatives need to transform it into policy. Joe Biden has weaponized the federal government against the American people — just like left-wing mayors and governors around the country.

House Republicans need to answer leftist extremism with accountability — CUT. THEM. OFF.

Defunding woke abuses of power in the deep state, with federal contractors, and in federally funded programs at every level of government needs to be a top priority in the House of Representatives next year.

Speaker Mike Johnson has no reason not to defund woke, weaponized bureaucrats. Nor should House Republicans care that Senate Democrats might block anti-woke spending cuts — let them! Let President Biden veto them, too!

Let the country see who stands for their values and who opposes them! Let voters go to the polls next November knowing who wants to give taxpayer dollars to anti-American frauds … and who wants to defund them.

The House of Representatives has the power over all federal spending bills. So that’s where a federal Go Woke, Go Broke agenda must start, with House conservatives leading the way.

The American people are already punishing Marxist elites at the checkout counter. Republicans need to give them a chance to do the same in Congress, too.

Paid for by House Freedom Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. HouseFreedomFund.com


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