Time to Fight

The House Freedom Fund has spent two years asking for your financial support. And we will again soon – the next election is always just around the corner.

But today, I am writing to ask for a different kind of support. You already helped elect a Republican House of Representatives. Now HFF needs your help to hold the new majority accountable.

As you know, politicians are much better at making promises than keeping them. If we want the new Republican House to fight, we have to fight, too.

The next few months will tell us a lot about whether Republicans have learned anything from its years of failure in Washington and around the country.

Will they help Democrats raise the debt limit? Will they fund Planned Parenthood and sanctuary cities? Or will they fight? Will they open the investigations into Biden Administration (and family) corruption? Will they fight Washington’s inflationary spending? Will they stand up to Big Tech and Communist China?

HFF will watch House Republicans to see if they keep their promises or get swallowed up by the Swamp. We will be on high alert – and keep you posted every step of the way.

Thank you again for your support over the last year. And thank you for your patriotism and vigilance going forward. We’re going to need both now more than ever.

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