TX-21: Another Squad Socialist

The liberal “squad” of U.S. Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could gain another member next year if conservatives don’t take action now.

Liberal Wendy Davis recently announced that she will challenge conservative Congressman Chip Roy in the 21st District of Texas – triggering an epic contest that will greatly impact our future.

You see, Wendy Davis was the outspoken darling of Hollywood liberals long before the “squad” ever existed.

In 2013, she spoke for over 13 hours in the Texas Senate to filibuster a bill that would protect unborn babies from late-term abortions. She had such a radical record that Planned Parenthood even considered making her the organization’s president.

Wendy Davis was AOC before AOC.

That’s why conservatives in Texas and across the country need to take action right now to support Chip Roy.

The winner of this race will either rejoin the House Freedom Caucus to fight for liberty or join the “squad” to fight for socialism. The contrast could not be greater and the choice could not be more clear.

But make no mistake: Chip Roy could lose without your help.

The 21st District includes parts of liberal Austin and went Republican in 2018 by only 3 points. Also, Wendy Davis is a prolific fundraiser who will get wealthy liberals in California, New York, and across the country to pour millions into her race.

We can stop them, but we must work together.

Please make an urgent contribution of $25, $50, $100 or more to Chip Roy’s conservative campaign.

Any amount no matter how small will help. Our pockets may not be as deep as the Hollywood liberals backing Wendy Davis, but there are a lot more of us and we can defeat them if we all pitch in.

House Freedom Fund will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your donation directly to Chip’s campaign so he can spend it all defeating his liberal opponent.

Chip in for Chip TODAY!

Thank you for considering this request and for doing so much to help fight for America’s future.

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